Wowee, a whole page just about me!
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here. My name is Lisa, but you can call me Miss Lippy. I'm the designer, maker, and shipper of all the products you'll find here. I'm based in the UK, in a little county called Nottingham.

I know how frustrating it is when you are trying to buy cards and gifts for family and friends – been there done that and brought 100’s of T-shirt’s!
You end up spending that one Saturday you have free, running around the shops, looking for the right thing, and we both know that all you really want to do is to be at home having a cuppa (or any other adult beverage) with your feet up.
You’re then greeted with an aisle; nothing is quite cutting the mustard and that glittery floral number isn’t really capturing Aunt Jenny. Aunt Jenny really likes unicorns and Dr Who, so Aunt Jenny blooming deserves a birthday card or gift with Dr Who riding a unicorn - it’s not asking much of the universe!

That is why I started designing and creating bespoke cards & gifts. I love working with all my customers bringing their ideas to reality and helping them create something that captures their very own Aunt Jenny.
Nothing beats watching the reaction of Aunt Jenny opening something totally unique to them, knowing that you have taken the time, thought and effort to make them feel truly special - it’s like a big fuzzy bear giving you a cuddle.
So go on, get your warm fuzzy bear hugs here – you and your Aunt Jenny deserve some love!